Discover the Convenience of Prefabricated Stand Alone Shower Cubicles

Between exorbitant hourly labour fees and high costs for materials and fixtures, having your bathroom remodelled to fit in a shower may cost excessively more than you thought. Transforming your bathroom into your oasis of tranquillity can be done without the hefty price tag when you consider installing a stand alone shower cubicle from GEZA. Glass doors, smooth finishes, and perfectly placed panelling with modern fixtures can give your bathroom a stylish, spa-like look.

What is a Stand Alone Shower Cubicle?

Unlike custom-built showers, stand alone shower cubicles don’t require external structures such as walls to support the shower stall as they stand as complete, sturdy, and stable structures on their own. Not only does this negate the need for builders and materials, but it also makes them ideal for installations anywhere in the home where there is plumbing, even the garage.

Flexible Design Layouts

As tempting as it may be to choose the largest stand alone shower cubicle, we would suggest that you consider the available floor space in the bathroom first. Select prefab shower stalls that fit comfortably in your bathroom without limiting access to the other fixtures. What a GEZA shower unit offers you is flexible design layouts that fit into almost any space. The beauty of our stand alone shower cubicles is that you can transform your bathroom to suit you without conflicting with any existing amenities and bathroom decor.

Everything Delivered to Your Door

As there is more to a functional stand alone shower cubicle than walls and a door, we make sure that every component you need to install your shower successfully has been included. The unique design of our prefab shower stalls eliminates the need for excessive screws and fittings, simplifying installation. With our easy-to-assemble units, you don’t need to go to the expense of purchasing fixtures as mixers, arms, shelves, and roses are all included. Flat-packed and delivered to your door, the ease of installation gives you your space of luxury and relaxation within 24 hours.

If at any point during the DIY installation you feel overwhelmed, our highly skilled maintenance team is available to assist you. With a product range that has been designed, developed, tested, and refined since 1999, it stands to reason why you should invest in a stand alone shower cubicle from GEZA.

A Generation of Innovation

The superior aesthetics and quality manufacturing of our range of easy-to-assemble and easy-to-fit lifestyle-related products provides homeowners and several market sectors with cost-effective and space-saving solutions. For over 20 years, we have been at the forefront of innovative and unique ranges, challenging conventional methods of construction, supply, procurement, and installation.

Contact us to find out more about our wide selection of modular units today.

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